View Full Version : Open Question: Is This normal for guys to do, and why would a guy do this?!???!?

Jul 2nd, 2008, 8:16PM, PDT
I dated this guy for 1.5 yrs. He had a small foot fetish, where he loved my toes. He called me twinkle toes as a cutesie pet name. We saw someone with that name in a cute kid movie and thought is was ironic and funny because the guy that used it had the same name as him. Anyway after a year and a 1/2 we had a messy break up. Well now I guess he calls his current girlfriend the same name. I am not mad or upset or anything that he is doing that but I was just wondering why a guy would? I mean it's not a common pet name like babe, or cupcake or something like that...So just curious what do you all think?

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