View Full Version : Open Question: What is the name of this Documentary!?

Nov 15th, 2008, 2:43PM, PST
I saw this years ago on TLC (the learning channel). It's about a boy who went into an online chatroom and met all these online personalities. One of them told him to do...sexual stuff with his best friend and he did. He encountered some woman with the FBI or something, saying something about treasure at the bottom of the ocean, and a creepy guy with a foot fetish. When police investigated, they discovered that all of these people misspelled some word the exact same way and traced it to the best friend. And that was that. I'm desperate to know what it was called. If ANYONE remembers this, I'd really appreciate it. I searched TLC's website and didn't see any titles that rang a bell. Thank you for the help. EVEN IF you can help me by finding a list about tv shows/documentaries involving chatrooms or something, it'd be a big help.

More... ( http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20081115092358AAUQg3H )