View Full Version : Open Question: myspace drama?

Nov 21st, 2007, 2:01PM, PST
Ok am I wrong?My gf had a guy on her buddy list that would leave comments like"love ur sexy flat tummy & them black spider nylons u have on (halloween)& i finally see ur feet & toes" and more omg your so sexy and omg i love your tan. Like repeating the same thing on most of the pictures and sometimes repeating on the same picture twice even. Its getting annoying and then finding out they're emailing each other too. I said ok enough is enough tell him to quit the flirting its disrespectful to me and thats just weird comming up with foot fetish bs. Now she created an entire day of drama and arguing when all i did was stick up for myself. I didn't say quit talkin to him or erase him off ur list. But now she turned around and wants me to erase female friends off my list that just say hi now and then. AND a female friend didn't approve her friend request and thats somehow disrespectful to her now. Opinions?

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