View Full Version : Open Question: My girlfriend likes weird fetish?

May 29th, 2008, 6:39PM, PDT
Alright, what I'm about to say seems bizzare and I know a lot of you are just going to dismiss this as some idiot posting on here, but the truth is, this is really happening to me in my relationship with my girlfriend. Alright, well I've tried numerous times to come onto Yahoo answers and talk about this openly, but everytime I just get worried that somehow she'll find out, as I'm pretty good at getting my luck screwed over for me. The thing that I wanted to talk about, is that my wife likes doing a fetish thing where she'll have me stick my foot into her vagina and slowly push it in there. I honestly don't know where she got this whole idea to do this from, and it freaks me out a bit that she's into something like that. I've tried telling her numerous times that it's not sanitary, but she doesn't seem to really care about that. I guess really she just finds it exciting, but I'm concerned for her and her well being, and I'm not sure how to get her to stop. I would appreciate any suggestions, and again... This isn't fake or some stupid post... I'm being serious here when I say this, and I know it seems hard to believe, but it is true... Thanks for your time and comments.

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