View Full Version : My Friend and Model Scout: Sierra Satterfield 👣

Jun 16th, 2024, 12:21AM, PDT
Sierra Satterfield (https://www.feetcore.com/customs/?model=Sierra_Satterfield) is 5'5", size 7.5. She's a great friend of mine who also used to find me lots of foot models with the assistance an ex-boyfriend who was a total player.

https://cdn.feetcore.com/preview/Sierra_Satterfield/Sierra_Satterfield-model-scout-vidthumb.jpg (https://cdn.feetcore.com/preview/Sierra_Satterfield/Sierra_Satterfield-model-scout.mp4)

Jun 16th, 2024, 2:46PM, PDT
Good to see the girl who's netted us so many iconic moments. It seems that every other time i see you post a new model her name comes up as one of the scouts who introduced you. i even think half the girls ive purchased were bc of her. I'll be sure to buy a clip of this sweet gal in the future just to pay homage to her charisma skill with a hot steamy load!!!

Jun 16th, 2024, 7:47PM, PDT
Good to see the girl who's netted us so many iconic moments. It seems that every other time i see you post a new model her name comes up as one of the scouts who introduced you. i even think half the girls ive purchased were bc of her. I'll be sure to buy a clip of this sweet gal in the future just to pay homage to her charisma skill with a hot steamy load!!!Sierra's always a fun time fer sure and worthy of those loads! I think she's only gotten me like around 4 models though, which isn't much compared to some of my MVP female scouts like Dana Fernsby and Shelby Barlowe who've netted more.

But usually it's the male model scouts who produce more leads and her ex-b/f has certainly done his share, even doing some hail mary's that woulda been amazing had he closed those deals.

Jul 9th, 2024, 10:01PM, PDT
my bad i keep getting her confused with shelby. shelby is the one who got chelsea davis and sammi furgeson correct? If so those are some of my fav models i've purchased from you and i'll be sure to bust a nut to all of them in honor of shelby and your hard work lol:lildog: !

its also good to know charisma/game is the best way to get girls to take part in these feet perversions. nowadays you gotta worry about someone calling you toxic or creep everytime you openly hit on a women so its good to have a cute girl next to you to sway any jealous incels and soften the defenses of the potential participant. But all of this falls short to a guy who truly has the "Gift of Gab" as they say.

My father once said, "if you know how to talk to women, you can get her to do anything :D "

Jul 10th, 2024, 12:27AM, PDT
shelby is the one who got chelsea davis and sammi furgeson correct? Yes indeed

nowadays you gotta worry about someone calling you toxic or creep everytime you openly hit on a women so its good to have a cute girl next to you to sway any jealous incelsAnd often, it's ironically the simp incels who are the calling the feet-getters toxic in hopes that they might gain favor from the fair maidens with whom they are trying to top-from-the-bottom by offering their "expertise/fetish-insights" :lol:

My father once said, "if you know how to talk to women, you can get her to do anything :D "100% :evil: