View Full Version : My Foot Fetish Research is Complete!

Oct 3rd, 2012, 7:25PM, PDT
For for more than a decade, I have sampled the feet and surveyed the reactions of many hot women. The sheer amount of supporting data that I've accumulated for this ongoing study has made the results indisputable.

The conclusions:
1) Hot women will react differently to weird shit.
2) Even the same hot woman can react differently to the same weird shit, given her mood.
3) Never underestimate the value of alternate approach if round one trials do not go as planned.

Best of luck fellas. Survey, study, and sample the feet hot women often!




Oct 7th, 2012, 7:31PM, PDT
One just have to love the look on yer face, especially in the last pic where you almost choke in the reach of bliss :evil:LOL, hell yeah... one of the best feelings in the world when it comes to mouthing feet! :evil: :lildog: :love: