View Full Version : mmmm coffee

Mar 2nd, 2006, 6:08AM, PST
keep it rollin http://rapidshare.de/files/11490850/Ariisa01.mpg.html http://rapidshare.de/files/12185475/footjob_2min_good.mpeg.html

Mar 2nd, 2006, 6:35AM, PST
These footsniffing ones with that bald headed guy are great (the links with the direct access). That was a great variety of different positions too. The double girl foot sniff was 1st rate. Those two girls were hot too.

Haven't had a chance to check out the rapidshare links, but let me comment right now that the quick footsniffing files were great!!!

Good find :)

UPDATE: okay, I downloaded the dawn's place fj and that was a blast from the past

and the arisa one had two girls that I'd love to adore both at the same time... the blondie had nice smooth soles too :)

Post edited by: tyler, at: 2006/03/02 06:41

Mar 2nd, 2006, 7:03AM, PST
ill post some more in the morning(dont want to spoil you guys lol). also have nylon ones to, but im a barefoot kinda guy.:woohoo:

Mar 2nd, 2006, 8:36AM, PST
great, I'm a barefoot guy myself but have learned to throw in some nylon stuff once in a while thanks to the broadening suggestions of others.