View Full Version : Open Question: Men and women and Sexual compromises?

Sep 21st, 2007, 2:01PM, PDT
I always beleive a person should not do what they do not want to do . However i have seen post where a girlfirend wanted @nal sex and the boyfriend refused and vice versa . I have seen post on other sexual interest not being mutual such as oral sex , foot fetish , rough sex .Again both genders being at different ends of the polar spectrum . Interestingly i see some men refusing things like having @nal sex with a women , or refusing a woman oral sex or a guy not wanting to be bitten during sex . It will vary of course but do you think men and women will compromises on issues of sexual interest and compatabilty . If so how much compromise is reasonable ? Is one gender more prone to compromise on issues of sexual interest than the other ?

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