May 9th, 2008, 11:52AM, PDT
I met this great guy that I like a lot and want to impress on our first date. He seems to have a fetish for women's butts and said he liked my butt and my curves. We have our first date set up and I want to impress him so I get a second date but don't want to look like I'm trying too hard and don't want to look slutty. I know what I'm going to wear to show off my butt but if I wore a top that showed off my cleavage would it look too slutty and like I'm trying too hard? Don't want him to just be focused on my body but interested in me. He's also more than a foot taller than me so should I wear high heels? I've been out of the dating scene for awhile and could really use serious advice from a man's perspective.
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More... ( http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080509061412AAF38Bg )