View Full Version : Open Question: ladies are you bad to that limit?

Jan 23rd, 2007, 9:30AM, PST
i am 20 m from italy , i & my gf love each other sience we were 9 I love her worship her cant live without her she also love me& we will marry in 5 monthesbut recently i have read bad things on net about womeni read that 1-women have very low sex desire because low testestseron2-women are not visual and cant be stimulated visually by male body & thats why women wear now open and sexy clothes in public,beaches,movies,clips....etc but men no3- women are not so physicaland the are not so interested in man's body they are emotional only4-women (most women)fantasize about sex with another girl , unlike most men(hetasexual men) find same sex very disgusting5-women have very little fetishes to man , we dont find for example a woman desire her man's feeti am also very emotional i am not a stone i am a human and i love her so so much but i also desire her and her body and every cell in her from her head to toesso pls ladies r u bad parteners to that limit?

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