View Full Version : Open Question: Kinda Akward Experience ... Any thoughts?

Dec 6th, 2007, 9:25PM, PST
Ok, I'm a freshmen at my high school, and earlier today the like junior GODDESS came and sat by me. She is amazing, the girl that everyone in the school dreams about.Well, she came and sat by me, and we talked a little, and we got around to talking about boyfriends and girlfriends.We're both single, and she kept hinting at us going out, but she said that the reason that her boyfriend broke up with her was because of her "socked-foot fetish". I just kinda nodded and agreed, but I don't really know what she was talking about?She did take her Ugg boot things off and like laid her feet on top of mind so I think I have an idea, but can anyone clarify thsi for me?I'm not sure, but the way she said it made me think that she wanted the attention on her feet...

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