Jun 19th, 2006, 10:55AM, PDT
This thread discusses the Gallery: Kelly O'Dell (vids) - Footjob 1 (
the full length downloads do not work
Jun 19th, 2006, 8:22PM, PDT
They're pretty big file size, so you should probably save them to your computer first and then play them instead of clicking the link and letting your browser wait for the full download before trying to play them.
Make sure the filesize of the download on your hard drive matches up with the stated filesize for the camera angle next to the download link. If the size of the file on your computer is smaller, it is a good indicator that your connection cut you off early and you only downloaded part of the total file, which could mean that it won't play properly in some players (since you've only downloaded part of the file).
Also, if ur not using Windows Media Player 9 or above, that could be a problem. The best way to play them though is from your hard drive after downloading them. That's all I can infer from your problem based on your extremely short description. All of Kelly's FJ full-length downloads work fine for me on 3 different computers with different browsing environments.
If your media player is having a problem, I'd suggest using Media Player Classic ( since it is free and plays virtually everything.
Most importantly, it helps to have an active membership in order to download those videos since, those full length downloads are only available for paid subscribers.
Post edited by: tyler, at: 2006/06/19 19:27