Jan 5th, 2009, 7:10AM, PST
hey guys im 15 years old male soon to be 16 for sometime now ive had on and off attraction towards my sister ive looked at her very closely snuck peaks at her coming out of the sh0wer and so on. now i also have a foot fetish and sometimes ill give her massages, ill touch her feet toes soles whatever then sometimes ill even give her a back massage ive done as much as pulling her pants down while massagin her(she didnt notice i pulled them down but noticed they fell off). now i havent got these thoughts in a while this severe i mean their have been times shes been barefoot and ive stared at her feet but nothing sexual since the last time i massaged her which was november. the next time i wanna massage her i think is gonna be my birthday so ya. but ya she only knows about my foot fetish and that i like her feet she dosent think that im physically attracted to her because i always tell her shes ugly but i really dont think that i just have to say that. anyway what should i do? and why do i have these feelings is it hormones or something more. and if i ever want to do anything more then rubbing her feet how can i? ill add more stories in additonal details.
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