View Full Version : Open Question: He looks but I blush when I see the bulge!!!?

May 21st, 2007, 10:10AM, PDT
Im an 18 year old girl and my bro is 19.He and our eldest bro compete in kickboxing once in a way.I usually support my younger one and the elder doesn't like it although I say that Im in favor of him too.Yesterday the bros fought again and my favorite won the game.We c3lebrated at home and even our elder took part in it.The younger one spoke with me for a long time about the game while watching TV but I noticed that his pyjama at "that" area was getting bulged and wet while talking to me.I don't know whether I upset him by my short and Tshirt but i had a very cute pedicure that day and I know that he has a foot fetish and normally he used to admire my feet a lot just like my elder bro.Just to experiment this, I asked him to give me a leg and foot massage and he did it right away and i really enjoyed it but I saw that he was so bulged out that i couldnt believe it!!! After some time he excused from me and went to the washroom and cam back after 1/2 hr.Oh God did i do something wrong?

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