View Full Version : Open Question: I have a fetish for playing footsies with guys other than my bf.What do i do?

Dec 28th, 2007, 3:55PM, PST
I have always been into playing footsies with guys since I was five.I saw a footsie scene on Threes Company some years ago and it affected me.Basically Jack was over at dinner at this couples house so the wife is liking him so she kicks off her shoe and plays footsie with her husband not knowing.I have done this with my boyfriends friends when we are eating or playing a game.I will slip off my shoe and run my stocking foot up his pantleg.I must have done this 20 times to boyfriends friends brothers or cousins I even did it to a few strangers at the movies.Its just a fetish that I don't know if I can let go of playing footsies.Maybe its just the danger of playing around with my man right there?

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