Jun 26th, 2008, 5:29PM, PDT
I want to create a website that sells pictures of female feet, usually dirty or soiled, but also cleaned and manicured. Maybe some toe licking, but none of the photos will include nudity or pornography. I already have a business model in mind and I can create the site and get paid. My only concern is that there might be some regulation against it because it does involve a fetish and might just be considered pornography. I have never done a site like this and I don't want to have to shut it down because I didn't register it with some government agency or didn't follow some rule (I would guess the 'Must Be 18 or Older to Enter' request might be a standard). Any info would be helpful. I had very little luck online.
More... ( http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080626125618AAhNuhx )
More... ( http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080626125618AAhNuhx )