View Full Version : Open Question: Girls: are you TRYING to be sexy when you sit on your feet?

Dec 5th, 2008, 9:37PM, PST
so, i'm 15 and i'm a pretty normal guy and i get good grades ... but i get SO distracted in class when a cute girl folds one or both legs up in her chair and sits on her foot / feet. idk y but i just think it looks so hot. there's a girl who sits in front of me in a really easy class that i thought i was going to flunk because, when the weather was warm, she'd wear flip-flops to school and take them off when she sat down and tuck her BARE FEET under her butt! i don't normally think i have a foot fetish or anything but, oh man.i know how stupid this sounds and maybe i'm the only one but sometimes i wonder if girls have any idea how hot they look when they sit this way? idk how i'm going to keep my grades up sometimes!!!

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