Dec 24th, 2007, 1:50PM, PST
O.K. I'm not sexually attracted to males, so therefore, I'm not gay. However, I have a foot/sock/boot/sneaker fetish that may be weird. What do you think? I'm attracted to cool girls in their hot fashion sneakers and boots being around them. The guys would be wearing their sneakers too - so I would be the only person in my bright socked feet at the mall and in the food court. I don't know why, and I know it's weird, but I like to be teased by girls who are in their Vans, Converse, etc. while they laugh at me because I'm the only one in my jolly, wimpy, happy-go-lucky socks at the mall while girls show off their cool brand name sneakers laughing at me and sarcastically saying, "nice shoes" or they would be saying, "nice socks." I get excited over this, but I hope this is not considered gay by people since I'm only interested in what girls think, say, behave, and do in reaction to me doing this.
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