View Full Version : Open Question: Girls answers only....your toes are cute!?

Jun 17th, 2008, 1:30AM, PDT
I don't get it, most girls go out of their way to beautify their feet and especially their toes, but when me as a man comments to you lovely ladies that you have pretty toes, they seem oddly creeped-out, if I were to comment on their finger nail polish she would simply hold up her hand wiggle her fingers a little and maybe say something like "it's nice that a guy notices a girls nails"....can't win. Every girl other than the self-absorbed ones think they have ugly feet aswell.....girls feet are like girls themselves and each of them is gorgeous in their own way....keep showing us guys your pretty little tootsies, and we'll continue to pretend not to notice them....just cause you think something is cute or pretty doesn't mean you have fetish....explain girls, whaddya think?-Tripod

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