View Full Version : Open Question: Foot fetish?

Apr 10th, 2008, 12:11PM, PDT
I have a strong foot fetish and it took me many years to admit that this fetish even exisited. I am pleased that it is finally recognized as a fetish and I wanted to ask this question about foot fetish.Ladies are you aware about this fetish and how much do you know about it, would you find it totally unacceptable if your new boyfriend admitted to you that he had this foot fetish, would you dump him because of this or try and understand this fetish as a harmful and possibly enjoyable part of your relationship. What I would like is how you perceive foot fetish and guys like me who have it.I told my now wife very early in our relationship because I a believe that honesty is paramount when it comes to a relationship, I was worried of course how she would react but she was fine and it has become an enjoyable part of our life.

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