View Full Version : Open Question: is this a foot fetish problem?

May 24th, 2008, 5:12PM, PDT
im kinda scared i feel weird im 16 i have a strong foot fetish anyways it was my cousins b day and they had a party so i wnet with my dad and sister [as you can see its family from my dads side my dad is the brother of my cousins dad] so i sl3eped over and this lady my couisins aunt i know we are not related but we did something she was wasted in the couch i wasnt at the time i felt dizzy and i sat were she was sl3eping and i noticed her feet so i starded rubbing them then i licked them she was then awake but she was acting weird but i continued with her feet but then we went to my couisins room and she got on the bed i relized what i was doing was wrong[fact she is divorced no kids 26 years old] i felt weird but the next thing you know we had anal i dont think i was wearing protection anyways after that i felt asl3ep i just woke up at 6.30 and took the cta homewas this wrong?i dont know if i regret it because i wasnt a virgin but know idk how im gona feel arounfd her?and i hopeand i hope i didnt catch anythingand i hope i didnt catch anything

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