View Full Version : Open Question: Do feet really turn a guy on with a foot fetish?

Jan 7th, 2007, 3:14AM, PST
I know a guy with a foot fetish, and I think he likes me. I'm scared to wear sandals or go barefoot now. He knows I know he has it. I don't know how these guys think, so I don't know how I should approach the situation. How much will it turn him on, or will he just think, "Those are nice feet"?

More... (http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20070106171855AAXHQwS)

Jan 7th, 2007, 11:55AM, PST
First off, I don't think any woman knows what any guy thinks so trying to assume his thougts would not be the right thing to do:pinch: . Also I do have to say if you know that he appreciates a sexy feet such as yours he will most likely by somewhat distracted by them but if it is to an extent that it bothers you either let him know or if you don't want to do that then simply don't wear reavealing shoes around him or if it is that bad avoid confrontation. Now having said that most guys who like sexy feet are not freaks thats just a misconseption that ignorant people tend to have, and I can tell by some of your posts that you are not one of those ignorant persons, so just try it once and see what happens.

Jan 7th, 2007, 12:13PM, PST
I have a couple of questions, are you self consious about your feet? and if you are can you try do describe why.

What would bother you more a random guy on the street who checks out your; Ass, Boobs, legs or feet and can you please list these in order from the one that would bother you the most to the least.

I hope you reply, the responses I get from women when I ask questions of the like are very interesing.:D