View Full Version : Fatty School Teachers Need CUM Too

Oct 5th, 2009, 3:05PM, PDT
:love: :love: :love: :love: My school teacher is quite a fatty! She is way way over-weight! But she does have a very cute face, and quite ENORMUS size feet, size 11 to be exact! Well anyway, I decided to borrow her sexy shoes and bring em home with me today after school whereas I see she left them under her desk. And as you can see fer yourself!!~~ it say's 11 in there on the insoles!!! Decided I'd heat uo her foot smell with mine by wearing her shoes. Gonna sniff em and fill em with SPERM tonight, and then try to get em placed back under her desk in morning before she arrives at school to slip them on. GOD IT IS GONNA BE SO VERY CUTE N FUNNY TO SEE THE LOOK ON HER PRETTY FACE WHEN SHE STEPS INTO A PUDDLE OF SPERM!

Oct 6th, 2009, 9:14PM, PDT
LOL, steve-o sure knows how to leave a pleasant surprise for the unknowing school teachers out there.

girlfriends and wives, you could be next!! be careful when you dangle your shoes at the coffee shops or wherever you go when you're on a date cuz foot fetishists just like steve-o could be lurking and waiting to get some cum in those insoles, Hee Hee!! :D