View Full Version : Enlightened Raver/Hippie Chick 👣

Aug 11th, 2020, 10:37PM, PDT
Rose Dawson (https://www.feetcore.com/customs/?model=Rose_Dawson) (5'8", size 7.5) has been a friend of mine for many years and she knows how much I like her feet. She's fairly ticklish though, so each time I go in for the licking she has to brace herself for the laughs. She's such a sweet soft-spoken hottie who used to rave and do the hippie lifestyle.

Nowadays, she very energetically connected in a spiritual consciousness sort of way. Her enlightenment is quite inspiring. The most wild story about an alien encounter that I ever heard was told to me by her and her friend.

https://free.footcore.com/preview/Rose_Dawson/tn_Rose_Dawson1.jpg (https://free.footcore.com/preview/Rose_Dawson/Rose_Dawson1.jpg) https://free.footcore.com/preview/Rose_Dawson/tn_Rose_Dawson2.jpg (https://free.footcore.com/preview/Rose_Dawson/Rose_Dawson2.jpg)

https://free.footcore.com/preview/Rose_Dawson/tn_Rose_Dawson3.jpg (https://free.footcore.com/preview/Rose_Dawson/Rose_Dawson3.jpg)

Aug 12th, 2020, 3:20AM, PDT
Hippie girls are the best especially since they're usually walking around barefoot or with really revealing sandals!