Mar 3rd, 2008, 5:34AM, PST
:p I'll Have My Nose In These Red Patents Very Soon
Mar 3rd, 2008, 9:36PM, PST
Those look pretty good Steve-o but I dont think the pumps retain the smell for all that long, becuase of the material. Sandals are best for retaining smell because they are usually very absorbant, you know the spungy material.
But even those loose there smell:cry:
I once purchased some used sandals from The Tina MarieWhen I was opening the package I was already getting a stiff one from just thinking of them. As I plunged my nose in them I quckly noticed that they had lost their smell if they ever had any. Tina seems to be a very clean person, so I guess I should have known they woulden't pack a punch, or maybe the smell got lost along the way:confused: :(
Anyway I beat off and exploded in them and then threw them away.
I hope your pumps smell the way you imagine them.
Mar 4th, 2008, 5:27AM, PST
Thank's for your nice comments and neat info on Tina, that was a treat to read ead! Stevi shoe Sniffer:lildog: