Apr 20th, 2008, 5:00AM, PDT
As for me, for those who read my question about the guy at the shoe store, he came over to my house one day and apologized. The truth is, he actually had a crush on me and always says the wrong thing to women and he really never went on a date. His face was red, too. He's actually very cute. Every time, I went to the that shoe store, he'd always ask someone else to watch the counter for him, because he was embarrassed to talk to me. I let him in, and we started talking. He actually likes my big feet, and has a tickling fetish. I gave him a chance and we just started dating. I even let him touch my feet. When I come home from work, he always takes my heels off and rubs my feet. He is sooo good. I'm in heaven. Sometimes he'll tickle my feet when I'm off guard. He always tickles my feet. He'll do it to wake me up in the morning, too! He just loves to tickle me! I'm never safe from his fingers. He is just an angel. I love him so much! It sounds like a fairy tale, but it's true!
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