Sep 27th, 2007, 5:29PM, PDT
UPDATE: To clarify, I wasn't referring to the waitress's boobs or what they are wearing, just the general question of what restaurants have cute waitresses? I don't care if they're dressed casually or wearing a uniform or whatever. Besides the emphasis on boobs, the girls at Hooters are generally prettier/cuter than waitresses at other restuarants, in Denver. In other cities such as LA or Atlanta or Orlando, there are cute waitresses everywhere. That doesn't seem to be the case in Denver.And no, no fetish, they're just easier to date than women in clubs, etc. Saves a lot of time. But not when you can't find any. And Hooters waitresses are just hit on so much they're almost impossible to date, not worth the huge amount of additional effort to get their attention (I am medium-good-looking so women don't drop at my feet, unfortunately).Thanks for the answers!
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