View Full Version : Open Question: Boyfriend problems??

Aug 20th, 2008, 6:33PM, PDT
My boyfriend is totally submissive. At first i thought it would be fun, but its gotten out of hand. He has a foot fetish problem and sucks on my feet for hours on end, massages them, etc. He gives me all the money he earns from his job. He does my homework for me. He agrees to dressing in my clothes and acting like a girl, he likes being bossed around by me. He will do whatever i say without question, things which i won't even say. I feel guilty about this, but some of my friends who are feminist say that this is how relationships should be with the female being the boss, and plus my boyfriend seems pretty happy. What do u think i should do? By the way, i am not looking for another boyfriend, he is actually pretty handsome with a nice tan and has been asked out by many people before meeting me. Also he is not pathetic and desperate to find a girlfriend, in fact in previous relationships, one of his exgirlfriends told me that he wasn't really that much submissive. He is also very manly, he plays football and stuff. He is only submissive to me, and usually when we are alone with no one else watching.

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