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Old Oct 13th, 2006, 11:43AM, PDT
Cronster3 Cronster3 is offline
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Default Models and payment

I'm curious as to how much you need to pay the models for their services?
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Old Oct 13th, 2006, 12:23PM, PDT
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it usually varies by model and the activities she performs plus the amount of time we use her for.

Typical shoot can be anywhere from 2-3 hours at a rate of $150-$300/hr typically any where in the $300-$600 range total.

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Old Oct 21st, 2006, 6:29PM, PDT
Cronster3 Cronster3 is offline
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Wow. I'll have to save up some more cash before I can do what you do.

Do you have any special ways of finding women willing to do these photo shoots? (especially the footjob shoots).
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Old Oct 21st, 2006, 6:51PM, PDT
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Originally Posted by Cronster3 View Post
Do you have any special ways of finding women willing to do these photo shoots? (especially the footjob shoots).
nothin really special about finding them, just locating the one you want and then making her the offer basically.

there's a variety different sources out there to use to find girls from myspace.com to model agencies to adult agencies, to esc0rt service to personal friends or meeting a girl in a dance club or even ads like craigslist.

basically, the options and avenues are as limitless as the ones that are readily available out there and that you wish to pursue.

for example, if you attend something as vernacular as say a yoga class or female softball games or a martial arts class... there's no limit there that says those girls are off limits as potential models. Anywhere you can find a hot woman, you can find a potential recruit. That's what I mean when I confirm that there's nothing special that I use cuz I employ a wide variety of avenues and I refuse to limit my areas of search.

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Old Apr 21st, 2007, 4:31PM, PDT
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Question As long as you are on the topic..........

Hey tyler can you tells us how you met Lynda Bird I am fascinated by her she is amazing. If she does not want you to disclose that information I completely understand but if you can I would love some background on her.

Last edited by eadster : Apr 22nd, 2007 at 4:00PM, PDT.
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Old Apr 21st, 2007, 7:57PM, PDT
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For Linda I solicited her by email on the internet and told her i wanted to model her legs and feet and told her she had the most amazing calves.

She sounded thrilled by the idea cuz she said she always gets compliments on her calves and said we should try to arrange a shoot sometime when she travels to LA for one of her gymnastics judging events.

Anyway, a bunch of months went by with little correspondence then finally months later, she was schedule for a judging event and we coordinated a shoot that she could do with me in LA on the side. She travels here from San Diego.

Linda does travel to LA every so often and she is in fact eager to do the next shoot whenever I can afford to reschedule her. It will also be the first boy girl foot shoot she has ever done and she is looking forward to that experience too.

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Old Feb 10th, 2008, 1:19PM, PST
FootGuyNC FootGuyNC is offline
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Wow, I always thought it was no more complicated than let me film you in exchange for this cheeseburger. That's a lot of beans, especially for the one-timers.
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Old Feb 10th, 2008, 1:33PM, PST
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Originally Posted by FootGuyNC View Post
Wow, I always thought it was no more complicated than let me film you in exchange for this cheeseburger. That's a lot of beans, especially for the one-timers.
LOL, no doubt! If only i could get my rocks off for trip to McD's

I often think to myself though how modeling is a highly profitable job for these girls. Sometimes, I just wish I was a woman, but then i think how I'd have sick pervs like Tyler sucking on my feet for money and I think to myself... well, considering the trade-offs and peace of mind, i guess I can settle for my current shit job instead LOL

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Old Feb 10th, 2008, 1:38PM, PST
FootGuyNC FootGuyNC is offline
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But see do they consider this modeling? That's what I've always wondered. I'm not in the business or do what you do, but *logically* it seems like the real models would not do it or else wind up like Sarah Kozer. Its not even remotely like porn where they're sucking guys' nick nacks five times a day, but its stills something they would be embarrassed explaining if they got famous and it came out.

But what do I know? lol Again, it seems logical, but may not be even close to the truth.

On the other hand, I'd love to see you do that magic clip I showed you ages ago. All you'd need is a cardboard box and time to edit the clip.
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Old Feb 10th, 2008, 2:18PM, PST
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Originally Posted by FootGuyNC View Post
But see do they consider this modeling?
It very much depends on one's approach and the feeling of comfort the producer creates for the model. Lot of psychological underpinnings to that statement and I wouldn't even want to touch the tip of that iceberg, but trust me when I say the "logic" for real models can easily be thrown right out the window when there is the correct "resource" and "justification" for her services.

Those are two very important things in this game as I have learned in my years of experience as a producer... there many counter-intuitive concepts that I would've never imagined before I stumbling upon them either. The smallest details like subtle word choices can make a tremendous impact.

I consider my specialty nowadays to be my ability to be able to justify to an upscale classy woman why she should model her feet. My problem has always been (and now more than ever) the ability to pull the resource that is also needed as part of that success equation. I therefore have been targetting (for quite some time) women who require less resources for me to make it happen.

Originally Posted by FootGuyNC View Post
On the other hand, I'd love to see you do that magic clip I showed you ages ago. All you'd need is a cardboard box and time to edit the clip.
I'm slowly getting thru scripts. Notice how I got the fortune teller one down some months back. I always like to do the short easy ones

May need a refresher on the magic idea cuz I have a lot of great script ideas in the queue.

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