At the beginning of my relationship with my boyfriend he told me he wished my boobs were bigger.. This was extremely upsetting to me and I let him know.. A month or two later he is suddenly in love with my breasts, it's his focus during sexual activity, and he claims to have remembered them differently. Additionally he saw larger boobs I guess in porn (he doesn't watch it, he had just googled my name and gotten porn as a result..

) and thinks they are disgusting now. He's decided he's into small boobs.

Do you think he really means it or he's just saying it so I'll get over being sad? And my boyfriend and I were having a conversation about random turn ons, for fun and he said that it was hot to him that I have small feet. He says that in no way does he have a foot fetish, or find feet attractive, it's just something strange.. Yet he does massage my feet and run his feet over mine quite a bit.. Strange for me because I'm really weird and have always been kind of embarrassed of my feet and wear my socks everywhere including the pool.. The only time I won't wear them is in the sh0wer.Think that makes sense? My small feet are attractive and yet he's not attracted to feet?