Last year I lost a bet which made me have to cross dress for 2 days. Surprisingly, I REALLY enjoyed it and am doing it again soon. I want to improve a little, so I need some pointers. 1. I have a huge breast fetish, so that sort of makes me want to make myself have anywhere from a D-G cup. Is there any sort of way that if I pulled my shirt down a tiny bit, I could at least appear to really have that chest? 2. I plan on playing basketball at one point, Is there anything I need to do to make sure I am not given away? I'm able to dunk, so I'll avoid that. i just want to make sure I don't fall out of my bra or something. 3. I'm 5 foot 7, 145 pounds. Not fat at all, but I want my stomach to appear more womanly (aka, flatter). Any diets/excersizes I should follow? 4. What the sexiest girl name you can think of that I could get away with? 5. Any other suggestions. I'm probably forgetting something. Yes, I played a bit of PG and SF for my highschool team.