hey i got a strong foot fetish and there is this girl in my year and in some of my lessons im in high school im 15. and in english she usually puts her foot right by my leg all the time and sometimes kicks my leg she does a few shoeplays but not much like she will just move her feet round alot and end up kicking me sometimes i want to get into a conversation with her to make me say if i can rub her feet or let her know i have a foot fetish or something i don't want to rub her feet in class prefer out of classrooms make as though my friends think im weirdo which i don't wont that to happen i talk to her but i don't know this girl very well but shes quite popular and if this did ever happen i wouldn't want her telling anyone. so what do you suggest i should say to her to let me rub her feet or let her know i have a foot fetish i don't want to say oh i have foot fetish or can i rub your feet.no i want to go smooth with it making me not look like a freak even though feet is a weird fetish for some but i cant help it.