I have a fetish for shrinking women (google it) and I've had it since before I was 16. Basically it involves the woman being proportionately smaller, often shrinking to 3 feet or smaller. My wife is okay with it, and likes to tease me sometimes but pulls away (often killing the sexual mood) when I request it or get too involved in it. I bring it up a lot only to her (don't want family/friends knowing) and she thinks it's the only way I can have sex with her, which isn't true. It seems like she feels inadequate because she can't shrink and doesn't feel like I want her anything else but shrunken, which isn't true as well. How can I help her believe that it's a fetish that (admittedly) I've taken too far and show her she's beautiful just the way she is? This is really ruining sex for us and it's hard to get her turned on. HELP!