I'm agnostic (meaning I believe in different parts of different religions, generally only what makes the most sense). And I have always strongly believed in Native-American spirit guides. Well my spirit guide is the fox, always has been. Anyway, I recently bought a fox fetish, because frankly I'm not good when it comes to stone carving. Heh... Anyway, I had kept it with me for about 2 weeks, and I did feel a little more calm, connected, etc. But then it fell from a table about 1 foot high, onto carpet. It broke, right across where the blue arrow is etched that represents the spirit (I think that's what it is, I need to read a bit more on fetish carving traditions etc.) And ever since I've had a horrible flu and semi-bad luck, In the end there are two questions 1: is it bad for it to break, (especially where it did) and will it cause ill will to the owner, me. 2: is the flu because of the break or just strange coincidence. Oh and if you don't believe in Native-American religious culture or spiritual beings in general, I'm just going to ignore whatever you say if it has nothing to do with my question. Same goes for those who dislike agnostics (besides the fact, I believe in mostly the ways of various different Native-American cultures specifically.)