I'm about to turn 35 never had a gf and a virgin. The virgin part is because if its lust I'd rather pay a stripper to let me tickle her feet (I have a tickling fetish), go home and masturbate and I really don't care much about having sex. But there have been maybe a d0zen females I've known in my life who I developed emotional feelings for them: feeling head-over-heels in love, daydreaming about her all the time, not caring about anything but being around her, etc. But all of these females said "sorry I only like you as a friend". Which really made me feel sad because much more than sex, I wanted to hear them call me their boyfriend, walk around holding hands and kissing, hear them tell me they love me.Then there's so much now about why women don't find "nice guys" sexy: because women want a guy who is a "challenge", who she knows she has to treat right or she will lose him, who has other interests in life beside her, a guy who is a little dominanta guy who she could see other women wanting beside just her, a guy who makes HER do the pursuing, makes HER seek HIS love, not the other way around. Look, that's just not me. I want to walk around with my head in the clouds because I'm in love. I want to sit and cuddle and make goo goo eyes at each other and tell each other I love you. And yes she would be my whole life because I don't have any interests of my own, the only goal in life I have is to get through each work day, that's really all I care about is quitting time going home and playing video games or go online. I just want a girlfriend or wife who I can adore and think about all the time and always talk to and kiss and tell that I love her. Now, I'm in my mid 30s so have women around my age generally grown out of those ways of thinking that I described above? Do they just want a guy to come home to every night, a guy who loves and adores her? And I don't want to just date and let's see what happens....I want a GIRLFRIEND, like yesterday. I want to be able to say I have a girlfriend, I want to hear her tell me she loves me. And what's this about women wanting a guy who is "exciting"? They want a guy who is a little spontaneous, a little daring, a little unpredictable? When women get to my age have they grown out of that yet? I've never been someone who did spontaneous things, I always preferred to stick to the routine and familiar. And maybe women when they're younger wanted a guy who was exciting and unpredictable, but when they get to my age are they ready to just come down to earth and everyday normal life? I mean go to work in the morning, pay the bills, come home and watch tv? You know, real everyday life where you just go through your routine every day? Doing fun exciting things might be okay if you're younger but I'm going to be 35 and thats when its time to go to work, pay the bills, grow old and die. That's life, not partying or being "exciting".