He told me today he wanted to get some silicone feet replicas that are like sex toys for foot fetish people. I don't know how to feel. He said they were for when i'm not around. Part of me is glad he feels he can talk to me about it, but the other part of me is hurt by the idea he feels the need for them. I dont know how to not feel like crap over it. I told him it was a waste of $200-$300, but not that it bothered me because of my feelings. I don't feel like its fair to try to change him, I don't think I could anyway. But I don't know how I can deal with things like this that bother me. I try to be rational, but I still feel hurt. I guess I'm just looking to know if I'm overreacting or if it would bother others as well. I know it's not cheating. I try to not mind foot porn and now this, but I can't help my feelings.