I am a 19 year old guy and I play drums in a punk/metal band. I have been thinking a lot about what I want to wear on stage. I am straight but metrosexual and I have fetishes for feminine characteristics. When we are on stage, I feel like it's the most acceptable time I can present that. I came out with an outfit. Please let me know what you think. My color themes for the outfit are black and purple. From foot to head... -I would like converse but the only shoes I have right now are white tennis shoes. -I just got some grayish, blackish skinny jeans for men today. I would like to wear those. -A plain black t-shirt with skinny gray stripes on it. -Two wristbands on my left hand. One is black with purple text and the other is purple with white text. -Purple finger nail polish. I chose purple because I'm not a fan of black nail polish for some reason. -Eyeliner. Hopefully if it isn't too over the top, some purple eyeshadow and mascara. -Colorado Rockies fitted baseball cap. The Rockies team colors are black and purple so that's why I chose them. My hair is a mix of Justin Bieber's and Shane Dawson's. What do you think?