Now i know fetishes and stuff like that are normal but im not sure about the humiliation thing(name calling, size, not a man, bowing, groveling at the floor and all that stuff). im about 16 years old and iv had these fetishes and fansties for a while now. But after watching one video it got me worried about myself. Im not into porn but watching humiliation videos turn me on? (not to say i dont get turned on by naked girls stripping) But i dont know why i have these fanasties. i want to be treated like dirt, but at the same time i dont want too. im not really sure on to handle this desire. Not really into bdsm, just all that mental crap. i dont know it just exites me. Now i dont have a low selfesteem but when i watch these videos it makes me wonder. And the more i watch the more it just scares me. I dont consider myself a submissive, but that would turn me on too. But that would mean giving all my money a girl and so on and so on. I dont want that but i like the idea of it, if that makes any sence. Another problem would be teling a gf that. like how would i pursu the question without freakin her out. All these things run through my head when i watch these videos and after i do the deed. i just want to know why, why do i like this stuff and ways to cope with it.