we all know that women have very weak sexual desireand&woman's levels of testestseronwe all know that women are not physical¬ interested so much in male's features and body as man do for womanwe all know that women are not visual &cant be aroused by man's body by seeingwe know that women only turned on by recieving foreplay to thier body ( meaning they not interested in other partener body)we all know that men have lots of fantasies and fetishes but women no...we dont find forexample a female lick a male body but the opposite is very commonwe all know that women always say that they are emotional to cover thier shortage of sexual feelings,but the truth is man is also emotional&maybe more he who give flowers&gifts to his partener he who kneel for her,kiss her hands&feet,makes poem..etcall scientific experements,surveys,experts,daily life prove that women have very far weaker desire than manso arnt women bad if it comes to sex?