"I'm being serious, not spreading bigotry, to dislike sexuallly (sic) deviant behavior is not bigotry."I hope you aren't, you definitely are, and it kind of is. In that order."There is no evolutionary or genetic advantage to being a homosexual. None. That's not apart of nature. Nature does not work that way. She never has and never will."I think you meant "a part", but whatever. There's a theory that it isn't a "homosexuality" gene or set of genes, so much as a "really liking men a lot" or "really liking women a lot" gene/set of genes. If a female gets the first gene/set, she is more likely to have a lot of offspring, which is beneficial to the species. If a male gets the second gene/set, he is more likely to spread his genes around; also beneficial to the species.Also, nature does work that way, as humans aren't the only an!mals in which homosexuality has been observed."So therefore, it is a CRIME AGAINST NATURE to pursue this behavior.Just like any other sexual deviances (sic)."That's not really related, but I could go there, since you're pigeonholing all "deviant" behavior.There's a theory that certain fetishes are caused by cross-wiring in the sensory parts of our brains; areas that should map the genitals get crossed with wires for other places (e.g. the feet), leading to certain fetishes. Since those could be considered "sexual deviances", they aren't all crimes "against nature."http://discovermagazine.com/2007/jun/born-gay/article_view?b_start:int=1&-C=http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2004/07/0722_040722_gayanimal.htmlhttp://thetartan.org/2008/9/8/scitech/health