Hi! Stevo the perverted pump sniffer here again. Hey, do any of you guy's like to smell high heel pumps while you jerk off? Surely someone is like me, and loves sniffing well worn patent leather high heels. Nothing smells more sexy then a high heel shoe after a cutie has slipped em off after having worn em for 8 hours, yummy!! Fun to sneak a sniff of pumps too, hee hee. Ever go into a chick's shoe closet and secretly sniff her sexy shoes?? Remember that guy Chuck Jones that got caught sniffing Marla Maple's shoes in her closet?? That was COOL!! He got caught on video tape enjoying the sexy smell in all her shoes,,hee hee. I would have loved to been there sniffing and jacking off into any of her patent leather pumps!! WOW!! How do you like these SEXY Tarantino's pumps????? They smell like cheese,,,,YUM YUM SHOE SNIFFING FUN!!!