Well I recently broke up with my boyfriend of 10 months on Sunday,Big mistake I'm still madly in love with him he says he doesn't feel the same way,But he said that at the beginning of the break up he was a little mad at me I understand that,But now he's texting me regularly like he did when we went out,He asks for pictures of my feet(I used to send pictures of my feet for his fetish)he told me at the beginning of the break up that he's no longer interested in his fetish for my feet but now he said that he just said that because he was hurt..and now he's being really nice,nice than what he was when we dated by text and laughing all the time and wanting to play xbox live with me all the time,He really isn't the type to tell his deep feelings he usually expresses them but thats kind of hard since we've not seen eachother in 3 weeks,Does he like me?I'm confused...