I have been noticing that a lot of black girls lately want to follow in the Asian woman's foot steps. They want to shun their own race of men and exclusively date white men. And just like Asian women they will take whatever white guy they can get. It's disgusting. I don't have a problem with interracial dating. I am however disgusted at the shallowness of people who use interracial dating as a means of feeding their insecurities. And all that I have said thus far could be excused and ignored by me if they didn't hide behind the guise of being "colorblind" or if they are going to exclusively seek out white men at least have some standards. You're colorblind yet you can reject a certain color (their own) and exclusively seek out another (white men). When seeking out the "white knight" they not only lower their standards but they have no standards. Just like the Asian women they usually end up in abusive relationships filled with problems that they ignore because they are so content to stroll through public with their white trophy in tow. The most hilarious element of the black girls with white guy fetishes is that most white men don't want anything to do with black women. Haha and these black girls completely ignore it. They flirt with white guys who respond in disgust and disinterest to which the black girl excuses as him being intimidated by her. Yea right...delusions. Cynthia: I am a heterosexual male so I am not interested in any other male white, black, or blue.