My boyfriend recently got the guts to tell me about his...macrophila fetish...( likeing when girls are giants or dominant, exspecially with feet cause theres a foot fetish there too)..... It didn't bother me because I have fetishes too but there not like that at all.. He always asks me what I'd do if I was big and stuff and I just don't know what to say when I'm on the spot... I don't understand what would turn him on I guess? Anyone out there with the fetish know anything that would be a good turn on.....I'mnot really desperate for the idea just would like to return the favor since he got into my fetishes for me...It's not so much he wants me to be dominant... I can do that easily... its that he wants to know what I'd do if I was huge? not fat huge but like "hey your 200 feet tall and a goddess and everyone is scared what do you do".... he wants me to like take over and smash buildings and stuff with stories or something I guess like he had me read this story once and watch a video and i understood I think... its just hard to think of stuff when he puts me on the spot... it even kinda ruins the moments for me ya know... its like umm id be big and smash things and probably step on people that I didn't like..... K so what else..... and I'm like uhhh IDK!