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Old Jan 29th, 2008, 9:25PM, PST
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Default Interesting predicament... What should I do?

OK guys, I was compelled to write this after seeing the hosed Feet that Jimmer posted in another thread... Here's the deal... I'll try to be brief and to the point.

Seeing the hosed pics reminded me of how I miss my ex girlfriend's mother's Feet. Man do I miss her Feet! (My ex is Puerto Rican, and I have a thing for older Latina feet!) I used to sniff her knee-highs that she would leave in her shoes or on or under the couch. Oh the memories! My ex-girl knew that I had a thing for her Mom's Feet. For some reason, she decided to reveal to her mother that I had a Foot fetish (I think her mom came across a pic in which I was sucking my ex's Toes, so my ex spilled the beans) ... afterwards she was convinced that her mom would "Foot flirt" with me... by showing me her pedicure, talking about Feet, putting her Foot on my knee/lap etc.

The thing is, I think eventually I could have gotten to at least smell her mother's Feet, even if I did it in a joking manner... We always used to clown around together. I was gradually getting closer to being able to make something happen... (While joking around I would pull her sock off her Foot; wouldn't do anything.. just put it back on.)

But alas, we broke up (She's going to school on the West coast) and I didn't get a chance to get her mom's Feet, but now I think about her Soles, and her knee highs so freakin' much! (I sniffed her Feet a few times while she sl3pt, but that was it... I'd love to get a chance to do it "legitimately." LOL) After my girl and I broke up, her mother, sister and I agreed to keep in touch... I'm wondering if I should keep in touch with the sneaky goal of getting to smell her Feet. The thing is... I'd love to make it happen but if I tried, I'd have to come up with a reason for visiting them... and then I'm sure the topic of me and my ex breaking up would be discussed... I just don't want to revisit old drama... Not only that, I'm still dealing with the devastation of the break up ( in essence, she dumped me) And I don't know if going to her house where we used to hang out, make out, make love... blah, blah,blah would be a healthy thing to do, because of all the memories... But dad gummit, I want to smell her Feet!!!!

What should I do? Do I try to pursue this long held fantasy of mine? Or should I just give up? (Incidentally, I have a friend, 64 year old bi sexual dominatrix who lets me worship her Feet, but I've had her Feet, and I really want to get the ex's mom's feet ... What should I do?!?!

sorry for the length of this post.... LOL. Damn I'm a perv! LOL.

Last edited by SoleSolution : Jan 29th, 2008 at 9:35PM, PST.
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Old Jan 29th, 2008, 10:25PM, PST
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Originally Posted by SoleSolution View Post
What should I do?
as tough as this one seems, the answer actually remains rather simple:

Originally Posted by SoleSolution View Post
But dad gummit, I want to smell her Feet!!!!
you get them toes over your nose and you sniff and sniff until you're either dizzy :blink: or limp

then you report back to us with pics and her reactions

if the mom or sister start bringing up the topic of how it seems wrong, just compare it to eating chocolates once in a while; like a passionate treat

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Old Jan 30th, 2008, 6:26AM, PST
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Thanks Tyler... You're definitely helping me lean towards devising a way to make this happen... Some things in my favor are... 1. I have a hooded sweat shirt from a certain television interview show that I used to work on, which is still at her mother's house. I can tell her I want to pick it up. 2. My relationship with her mom. We would always joke and clown around together. 3. Probably the biggest thing in my favor... Every time my ex's mom takes her socks or knee highs off, she brings them to her nose and sniffs them! The last time she did this, I looked at her and raised my eye brow, and she said, something I never will forget... "I like the smell of my Feets." I went nuts when I heard her say that. Another thing is, she has a certain pair of black leather shoes that she calls her "stinky shoes" that she puts underneath the couch when she takes them off. The last time I was there, she took off the shoes, kicked them underneath the couch and said, "Stinky Feet comin' up!" All I could do was think of how bad I wanted to confirm that statement, but the girlfriend was there, so I couldn't respond ... I'd love to bring these up somehow, the sock sniffing and the "stinky shoes" and use them as a start off point to get my nose against her Soles...

Well... These are things to consider... I'll definitely toss this around in my brain and see what happens... But more than likely I think I will try to work on it. Right now might not be a great time because the break up is still a bit fresh, and there are issues that I'm still dealing with regarding the whole break up... But eventually I would like to work on making it happen. I want to smell her Feet!!! Either way, wish me luck!

Last edited by SoleSolution : Jan 30th, 2008 at 6:52AM, PST.
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Old Jan 30th, 2008, 10:40AM, PST
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Exclamation The chase is better than the catch

I say that if it is going to cost you too much money to make the pilgrimage, then screw it. But try telling that to your junk.

some things are actually best left as a fantasy. This may sound absurd because realizing this fantasy is obviously want. But take for instance your comment about the dominatrix chick
I have a friend, 64 year old bi sexual dominatrix who lets me worship her Feet, but I've had her Feet, and I really want
you can fill in the gap with just about anything at the end of this quote, that in a nut shell is the story of everyone's life.

Hey but if you know that it is not completely out of your reach then go for it, whats the worst that could happen. Remember they don't pay your rent, why should you really care.
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Old Jan 30th, 2008, 11:49AM, PST
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SoleS, i definitely think the signs are there based on the blatent clues the mother has left you. Women tend to be coy when they leave any clues at all (if they even leave them). I believe the obviousness of her clues shows a valid interest, short of her just coming out and saying "hey boy, just get your nose on my stinkies" LOL

i do think it might be good to let the breakup have a little time, since it recently happened, but that thing about the meaningful sweater is the perfect reason for you to need to go back at some point.

eadster is right about the craving. and while i do agree that absense makes the heart grow fonder, i also believe that finally knowing is a whole new feeling of it's own. for instance, i had a chic who i was obsessed with for years. and then when i tracked her and realized she was passing through my town briefly, i set up an encounter with her and i finally got to have her feet the way i wanted it.

i'm talking about my own quest to finally have the feet of this girl right here:

the chase built up my cravings but finally getting the real deal was even more heaven since she met so many of my expectations YUM YUM, SNIFFY SNIFFY, STIFFY STIFFY!!

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Old Jan 30th, 2008, 12:26PM, PST
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Thanks guys! I appreciate your comments. Tyler and eadster both raise valid points. I'll hold on to the fantasy... and eventually see if I can make it happen, one day... after all, I do want my hooded sweat shirt back. LOL. But more than that... the Feet are callin' me. LOL.

Thanks again Brothers.
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