I'm a male, straight and 18 years old, in good shape, I'm reasonably tall and reasonably muscly but not too muscly haha, I have black/dark brownish hair, and hazel coloured eyes. My female neighbour is around 40 ish, she's divorced and has a 13 year old kid. She's gorgeous and I mean she's literally stunning, she doesn't even look her age! I've liked her for a while now, she's really nice, we always stop and talk on my way back from school, and she always goes on about how she's always feeling lonely since she got divorced and needs a partner etc. In other words, it's not like I just want to randomly start having sex with her lol. I've known her for a couple of years now, I think since I was around 11 years old, so she's watched me grow up

I have a foot fetish too, and she has awesome feet! I mean no cracks, or anything, and she regularly gets them pedicured, so they're always in good shape ;P I really want to start getting to know her even further, but the more I think about it, it just seems like a common guys dream, and what I'm thinking is not really possible

So my question here is how do I... well you know get to know her more, I'm just a little nervous/worried to get too close since she's quite a bit older than me... I want to take things further and possibly get into her pants and her feet omfg; So how do I do it?

Thanks for all your answers in advance x Need answers as soon as possible please! x