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Old May 14th, 2009, 8:05PM, PDT
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Default Open Question: Sex question: Foot fetish boyfriend..i like it?

ok so im 16 and my bf is 19. i know he has a foot fetish but he wont properly admit it haha he loves to feel my feet with and without shoes on and kiss them and all that stuff you know lol but he does do the other non foot stuff aswell lmao but yeah anyways..i told my girl friends and they said they would find it weird and wouldnt like it.but for some reason i reeeally like it and i love it when he kisses them and stuff, it turns me on lol sometimes i ask him 2 do it 4 longer lol and i love teasing him aswell lollike i heard loadsa girls say foot fetishes are really weird but is it like wrong for me to really like it and what he does to me, like i really enjoy it? :s

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