The #1 problem is that both of these files are 200MB and Rapidshare has a 100MB limit per file.
2ndly, too many people were having problems with rapidshare, just read the thread about amateur FJs post. Plus another documented complaint in
this post. Figured megaupload would work better.
Plus megaupload gives larger files and it does not have a session download quota limit like rapidshare, which I've noticed in the past month or two, rapidshare has decreased the session quota which causes an increase in the amount of times users will experience the
\"you must wait 1 hour or purchase premium services before you can download this file\" . The frequency of those occurances happening so much more often for me recently just made me realize I'm never gonna support Rapidshare again.
At least megaupload does not ever make you wait an hour after downloading X amount of quota bandwidth. They simply have the 45 second wait period just like rapidshare does, which I consider to be fair enough. Rapidshare will sometimes make people wait the hour long period which is absurd and now they're f0rcing it even more often which is doubly absurd.
Post edited by: freddyboy, at: 2006/07/18 14:31