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Old Aug 5th, 2008, 1:28AM, PDT
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Default Open Question: Why do I like the idea of being hurt?

I'm not a masochist or anything like that and I know this is weird so please don't use either of these as an answer to my question. I have a non-sexual "fetish" for being sick and/or hurt. I don't hurt myself on purpose but when I do get hurt, the pain makes me feel good (again, it's not sexual). The most serious injury that I've had was a really deep gash gash on the bottom of my foot. It hurt A LOT but I liked the fact that my foot hurt so bad that I couldn't put any weight on it and had to hop around on 1 foot. I also like having fevers, but you can only count the number of times I've had one on 1 hand. Even though I don't, I like the idea of having allergies or some other kind of medical condition. When I was younger, I used to pretend I needed glasses when my eyesight was practically perfect. Bad move though because now desperately do need glasses. I'm also anemic and sometimes I get really light-headed and have to sit or lay back down, and this still pleases me.The reason I'm posting this is because I pulled a muscle in my thigh and it hurts when I move my legs and --for some strange reason-- my arms and abs are sore. I guess it's just the feeling of !ncapacitation that I like. I don't like GETTING hurt and I don't like pain, but I do like the way I feel when I AM hurt. If anyone understands what I'm saying, please tell me SOMETHING. Is this some kind of condition? Is there a word for this? An article or something written about this? Anything! Someone please help me out here!

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