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Old May 16th, 2008, 1:12PM, PDT
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Default Open Question: my feet fetish is making go nuts?

hi i can't understand why when i go to different places women have their feet out or heels on and i plot to see them meaning i go incognito and try everything as much as possible without being disrespectful and touching their feet but i have had a feet fetish every since i was 5 yrs old and now i'm 29 i go to nyc ,atlantic city ,buses ,trains and i see more pretty feet then you can even imagine the most feet that turn me on are medium length french manicures nails or light colors or clear but mostly what is the sexiest is when a women has heels ,clogs or shoes on with no stockings (big turn off ) and when their feet itch omg or they take them off without me knowing but when i attempt to look or have my eyes covered pretending i have a headache they either get up from where they sitting or put them back on real quick what should i do i've had gf's who loved my fetish but things didn't work now since i'm single it's stressing me out can anyone help me ??????????

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